速報APP / 教育 / How to Overcome Fear

How to Overcome Fear





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



How to Overcome Fear(圖1)-速報App

How to Overcome Fear

Overcome Your Fears

Everybody has some fears and worries – as humans, we’re programmed to

feel fear as a natural response to threats in order to protect and look after


The app contains valuable practical tips how to avoid and manage fear and live a better life.

The purpose Overcoming Your Fears is to help you recognize the reasons behind your fears and learn ways around these fears to help and succeed through them.

Fear maybe on:

 Public Speaking

How to Overcome Fear(圖2)-速報App

 Positive Thinking

 Overcome negative feeling

 Challenging Yourself

 And much more...

Fear may rise to anxiety, Anxiety disorder (social anxiety) which must be treated with professional therapies and/or medications. It is normal to feel fear, and most people have at least one or two irrational fears.

Some people may have serious problems communicating with peers associated with feelings of anxiety or fear. Such fear is needs to be treated psychologically with the help of this app or therapist.

In this app, we include the following topic:-

Tips To Help You Change your life Fear

How to Improve Fear Symptoms

How to Overcome Fear(圖3)-速報App

Ways Overcome Fear and Improve Confidence

Powerful Ways of Winning Fear

Ways to Fear factor and Anxiety

How To Conquer The Fear Of Failure

How To Avoid Fear Of People

How To Challenge Fear Of Death

How To Fight Fear Of Ghosts

How To Win Fear Of Socializing

How To Minimize Fear Of People's Reactions

How to Overcome Fear(圖4)-速報App

How To Improve Fear Of Failure And Rejection

Change your life without Fear

This free app will be your personal guide. Enjoy for free on your phone and tablet. It is an offline app and free app. Easy, simple guide book app and Support Offline

How to Overcome Fear(圖5)-速報App